Mint*Leaf Laramie
Laramie was a much anticipated and welcomed addition in 2023. Mint*Leaf had been a favorite herd of mine for some time and I feel lucky and thankful that I was able to add not just a herd sire but a few does as well. Laramie happens to be out of one of my all time favorite lines.
Laramie earned her dry leg at the Pride of Piedmont Show as a yearling in 2023 and was bred in the fall. This spring she gave us a single buck kid, and presented with a beautiful mammary system that just needs to mature and gain capacity. It is shapely, well attached and full of promise! While Lara has a lot of maturing to do yet, she still earned herself a milking leg, going over herd mates directly behind her for her General Appearance, fore udder, and body capacity. |
DOB: 5/14/2022 Chamoisee ADGA Genetics Link *DNA on File* Alpha s1 Casein A/F Linear Appraisal: LA 2024: 87 (GVVV) @ 02-03 (FF); excellent back and rump Career Highlights: 2023: Pride of Piedmont GCH Jr (Dry Leg) 2024:1x GCH (2nd leg) Completed Milk Data: 2024: IN PROGRESS Progeny in our herd: |