GCH (pend) E.B. Farms MO Princess Zelda 1*M
Zelda was a reserved kid in 2022, the buyer had named her and everything, but some circumstances led us to keeping her, and that is one happy accident we will never regret. A bad kidding season from the unfortunate Mosquito-Borne Cache Valley Virus had left our herd pretty depleted. We were truly glad to hang onto her, as she strongly resembled her dam.
It has been inspiring to watch Zelda grow up and beat several challenges like a tragic birth and a leg injury as a kid which kept her home from shows until only state fair that fall. When she freshened in 2023 with a single buck and we saw the mammary she possessed, we were even happier fate had kept her here for us to manage and love... In the fall, Zelda was AI'd to a buck-crush of mine and she bore twin does. We kept one and donated the other, which a friend ended up with. Zelda has a lot of years to grow into her long frame and plenty of time to make us proud, yet she has managed to finish her championship with three milking legs this summer. We are especially proud that a small yet persistent little doe kid took a long crying breath on a sad sad day in March of 2022, and that little doe has been persisting her way to success ever since. |
DOB: 3/5/2022 Chocolate & Tan ADGA Genetics Link *DNA on file* Alpha s1 Casein B/F Linear Appraisal: LA 2024: 89 (VEEE) @ 02-05 LA 2023: 87 (VVGE) @ 01-02 (FF); excellent in front leg, Very good in rump, and good all other categories Career Highlights: 2022: Maryland State Fair 4th Place Intermediate Kid, 1st Place Jr get. 2024: 2x GCH (2 legs),1x RCH 2024 ADGA National Show Louisville KY 15th Place 2 Year Old Completed Milk Data: 2023: DIM 217 MILK 1250 FAT 38 PROT 30 Progeny in our herd: Scylla |